我們的大使-張駿豪Teriver Cheung

     張駿豪 Teriver Cheung

滴音樂 / 瞬樂團 / R.O.O.T

獲爵士樂雜誌《Jazz Times》形容他為「對樂器技巧的優秀控制令人留下深刻印象,並有著成熟,著作曲家般意念」張駿豪畢業於北德薩斯州大學爵士樂演奏系,其後多年在紐約發展音樂事業,是香港少數立足於國際的的爵士結他手及作曲家。他曾與無數傳奇大師音樂家合作,包括格林美獎得主Eddie Gomez,Eric Marienthal,Keita Ogawa等等,亦帶領樂隊於各地的大型音樂節演出,包括香港爵士馬拉松、波蘭Jazz W Ruinach音樂節及臺中爵士音樂節等。他在2015年回流香港,策展多媒體音樂會《禾 . 日 . 水 . 巷》,和古典作曲家林丰共同創作,作為世界文化藝術節的2015 - 瑰藝十載委約作品,並在2017年作世界巡演,包括倫敦「香港音樂系列」、「香港週2017@台北」,並為香港特別行政區成立二十周年文化活動巡迴內地六大城市:上海、南京、廈門、深圳、廣州和南寧。2017年,張氏與新加坡電風琴手卓可榮共同創作爵士室樂新計劃《載行》。年底成立《瞬 . 樂團》,並獲民政事務局藝能發展資助計劃支持其《結構與即興》,積極開拓爵士與古典樂手的合作空間,以及推動年輕一代的教育推廣。在2019年,為慶祝文化中心成立30週年在音樂廳策展《爵士盛會 - 傳奇與延續》並一同演出。

獨特和豐富的音樂背景合張氏成為近年香港其中一位最為活躍的作曲,演奏家和策展人。曾與香港中樂團,香港小交響樂和不同音樂團體作客席演奏,甚至在主流音樂也見其足跡。 張氏現為香港中文大學,教育大學的客席教授,並不停期在各大專,中學推動爵士樂教育工作,和作大師班與導賞性質演出。

2020年,张氏受民政事務局局長嘉許其長期致力於推廣藝及術文化活動的貢獻。他參與的獨立樂隊R.O.O.T. 獲得叱咤樂壇生力軍銀獎。

2021年,張⽒受到Herbie Hancock的啟發,擔任《頃刻.當下 — 爵⼠樂⼼靈之旅》的策展⼈。⾳樂節深入探索正念體驗和爵⼠樂即興之間的深刻聯繫,通過使⽤沉浸式⾳響系統,觀眾能夠全⾝⼼地投入其中,感受五感的交融,享受獨特的⾳樂整全體驗。

在2022年,張⽒與蘇道哲共同發⾏了專輯《⽇出》,並獲得第34屆⾦曲獎《演奏類最佳專輯獎的提名。在這⼀成功的基礎上,這個項⽬擴展成為了「Sunrise for all」,⼀個融合了空間設計和互動藝術科技裝置的開創性計劃。它的⽬的是促進藝術包容性,滿⾜特殊需求群體的需求的藝術體驗。
張駿豪現為D’Angelico Guitars, Fender入耳式耳機認可⾳樂家。

Teriver Cheung

Jazz Guitarist, Composer and Curator
Drip Music/Ensemble Transience/R.O.O.T

According to JazzTimes, “Teriver Cheung demonstrates an impressive command of his instrument and reveals a mature, composerly approach”.

Hailing from Hong Kong, this award-winning jazz guitarist and composer has collaborated with renowned musicians such as Grammy Award-winning artist Billy Childs, Eddie Gómez, Keita Ogawa, and Eric Marienthal. Leading his ensemble, he frequently tours and performs at major music festivals such as Jazz Marathon for International Jazz Day, Jazz W Ruinach Festival in Poland,and the Taichung Jazz Festival.

In 2015, Cheung curated the mesmerizing multimedia concert titled "Hong Kong Episodes" in collaboration with classical music composer Fung Lam.Commissioned by the World Cultures Festival 2015, this exceptional project received critical acclaim. The success of "Hong Kong Episodes" led to a world tour in 2017, with captivating performances at "The Hong Kong Music Series"in London and "Hong Kong Week 2017 @ Taipei." As part of the 20th Anniversary celebration of the establishment of the HKSAR, "Hong Kong Episodes" was also presented in six cities across Mainland China, including Shanghai, Nanjing, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Nanning.

In 2017, Cheung founded "Ensemble Transience." Supported by the Home Affairs Bureau Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme, their following project titled "Composition & Improvisation" aimed to foster creative collaborations and explore the musical possibilities between jazz and classical musicians, while also promoting musical education among younger generations. In 2019, Cheung curated and performed at the "Jazz Gala - The Legend and Beyond" held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations for the Cultural Centre.

With his distinctive sound and diverse musical background, Cheung has emerged as one of Hong Kong's top composers, performers, and curators. He has collaborated with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and has been involved in various productions within the mainstream music industry. As an educator, he served as a guest tutor and lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Education University of Hong Kong. Additionally, he conducted music workshops and guided concerts at different universities and secondary schools, introducing jazz and improvisation to the younger generation.
In recognition of his unwavering dedication to the promotion of art and culture,Cheung received the SHA commendation in 2020. Furthermore, his independent band R.O.O.T. achieved second place for Best New Artist at the 903 Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation.

In 2021, Cheung was inspired by the spiritual teachings of Herbie Hancock and took on the role of curator for "The Present - Jazz Festival of an Inward Journey." This exceptional festival delves into the profound connection between mindfulness experiences and the captivating moments of improvisation. By incorporating an immersive sound system at the Kwai Tsing Theatre, the audience is treated to a truly unique and holistic musical journey,where they can engage all their senses.
In 2022, Cheung achieved another milestone by co-releasing the album"Sunrise" with Sotoc, earning a nomination for "Best Instrumental Album" at the 34th Golden Melody Awards. Building upon this success, the project expanded into "Sunrise for All," a visionary initiative that combines space installation and interactive art technology. Its purpose is to foster inclusivity in the arts by catering to the needs of special needs groups, creating an artistic experience that is accessible and meaningful to all.